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Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Poo in the PURSE!

This is a true story related to me by a friend that I thought was so hilarious that it must be added to the blog. STAT!

While at a party with friends, a woman needed to use the restroom. She asked where the bathroom was (down the hall and to the right) and went to use the facilities. She had to go number 2, and when she was all finished realized that the toilet wasn’t working. It just wouldn’t flush.

A few minutes later, the woman comes out of the bathroom and makes a b-line for her boyfriend.

“Poo in the purse.” She whispers. “Poo in the purse.”

“What?” Her boyfriend asks.

“I have Poo in my purse. We have to leave. NOW.”

The couple leaves the party. The boyfriend looking very confused, the girlfriend practically running with her arm straight in front of her holding the purse.

Everyone finds out later that the girl who used the bathroom was too embarrassed to tell the host of the party her toilet was broken, and she’d been forced to leave a little present in the bathroom for her. So, instead she fished her little present out of the toilet with HER HAND, and wrapped it up, mummy like, with toilet paper. After the little bundle of joy was properly wrapped up with an entire roll of toilet paper, she realized she had nowhere to put the poo mummy. Naturally she decided the best course of action was to put it in her purse.

Out of the bathroom she walked with King Poopenkhamen in her bag. Straight to her boyfriend, and then out of the party. To this day she still won’t tell anyone what she did with the poo.

This story demonstrates that no matter how old you are, no matter what your station in life, a good story about poo can always make you laugh!


Blogger sara said...

I'm not curious about what she did with the *poo* -- I'm curious about what she did with her *purse*! I hope it wasn't designer...

10:50 PM


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